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How does the digital report portfolio works?
How does the digital report portfolio works?
Marietta Südkamp avatar
Written by Marietta Südkamp
Updated over a week ago

You will find an overview and all important information about the digital report books of your trainees, if you click on the third icon "Report books" in the menu on the left.

In the top 5 on the left, you can see at a glance which trainees have the fewest missing report cards. With a click on the small triangle you have the possibility to reverse the sorting.

The category "At a glance" provides an overview of how many report books are required for approval, how many you have for correction, how many reports are missing and how many have already had their contents checked.

A list of reports already submitted is located at the bottom of the page.

Click on the trainee's name to open the corresponding profile. All information on the report portfolio can be found under the "Report portfolio" tab.

Here you can quickly see which reports are available from the relevant trainee and in which status they are.

Clicking on the date opens the submitted report directly. While you are correcting the report portfolio, you have the option of adding comments to the relevant text passages. Clicking on the position in the text opens a comment field.

After correcting the report, you can either set it to content checked, approve it or reject it. If a report goes through a two-step process in your company for correction, you as the trainer can set the report to content checked, for example. The next step of approval would then be up to HR management, for example. If you reject the report, the version with your comments is sent back to the trainee. The trainee now has the opportunity to correct the report and submit it again.

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