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How do I start the automated training planning?
How do I start the automated training planning?
Marietta Südkamp avatar
Written by Marietta Südkamp
Updated over a week ago

Talent2Go's automated training planning enables you to automate time-consuming steps in the training planning of your trainees. This way you can minimize your time and use resources more efficiently.

❗️To start the automated training planning, you must first have created all trainees with their data and all learning stations! The learning stations and the items "State", "Start date for calculating training certificates" and "Vocational school model" in the trainees' personnel files are essential for triggering planning.

In order to use the full scope of services of the automated training planning, we also recommend that you create the departments completely and assign the locations.

Once all preparations have been made, you can start with automated training planning. This is divided into three steps:

1. Learning Stations

A learning station can be created if you click on the fourth menu item "Training planning - Learning stations". Clicking on the small plus opens a window in which the name and abbreviation of the learning station, the person responsible for the learning station, the maximum number of trainees, the color coding and the blocking periods can be entered. Locking periods are the periods when no trainee should be assigned to the learning station. This can be seasonal, for example, or when a trainer or the person responsible for the learning station is on vacation.

❗️If a blocking period is subsequently changed, the automated planning must be triggered again.

Existing learning stations can be edited via the blue pencil icon in the right margin. The color settings of, for example, vacations can also be set individually to match the company.

2.1 Planning basis - learning stations

The next step is to edit the planning basis and personalize it to suit your company. To do this, simply select the professions available in your company, activate the change mode, name your planning and assign learning stations to the individual sections. This is how you create your company-specific planning.

As a basis for planning, you have the option of selecting subject and time structure of the Chamber of Industry and Commerce and adapting the sections to the internal conditions. To do this, simply activate the change mode, as you did when assigning the learning stations. On the right side of each section you will find the option to edit or delete it completely.

Furthermore, you can also compile your very own planning. To do this, click on the "Create new plan" button at the top right and create the sections individually.

❗️All sections must be assigned to at least one learning station, otherwise the automated training planning cannot be started!

2.2 Planning basis - trainees

Once all sections have been assigned to learning stations, the trainees for whom planning is to be triggered must be selected.

At this point you also have the option to select the trainees by location. Automated planning can either be triggered here, as shown in the video, for the selected trainees, or in the next step in the planning overview.

💡TIP: Even if you want to add a trainee to an existing plan at a later date, you can select him/her manually here and trigger planning specifically for him/her.

To do this, simply select the trainee(s) and check the Trigger automated planning box.

3. Planning overview

In the planning overview, you have the option of using filters to display only certain trainees. This serves the clarity and requested information can be searched quickly and efficiently. If you activate the switch of Calendar weeks, the view will no longer show you the individual days, but only the weeks.

Since we have triggered the planning for the office management assistant in the example in point 2.2, we also filter out the trainees of this profession in this video.

In the planning overview there is also the option to export the planning as an Excel document. The export started in the video is structured by trainees and would look like this:

Furthermore, there is still the possibility to export by individual learning stations. This could look like this, for example:

💡TIP: By clicking on the individual learning stations, you can see at a glance exactly what learning content is to be taught in them.

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