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What do the various roles mean?
Marietta Südkamp avatar
Written by Marietta Südkamp
Updated over a week ago

This article explains and describes the standard roles available in the software. This is intended to provide an initial overview and make it easier for your employees to select the various roles.

The authorizations for almost all roles can be adjusted at any time. You have the option of selecting these on a company-specific basis and in line with your data protection guidelines. Role and rights management can be found in the settings:

Admin - The person who registers is created as an admin. They have all rights and access. They must create at least one other person (e.g. HR admin) so that further roles can be created, either by the admin themselves or by the HR admin.

❗️Attention: The Admin is the only role whose authorizations cannot be restricted

HR/Admin - The HR/Admin has the same rights as the Admin, the only difference is that this role was added retrospectively. The role can also be deleted, but its authorizations cannot be restricted.

HR - The rights of HR can be defined individually. However, unlike the Admin and HR/Admin, this role cannot access the company settings.

Instructor - The rights of instructors can be customized. When trainees are created, a trainer is assigned to them. This so-called master trainer always receives all report booklets of the assigned trainee

Person responsible for learning station - The rights of persons responsible for learning stations can be customized. Those responsible for learning stations receive the trainee's report booklet from the weeks in which the trainee is assigned to the learning station according to the training plan. This allows you to keep track of whether the trainees have consolidated all the content to be taught.

Individual role - In the settings, you also have the option of creating individual roles and assigning them company-specific authorizations.

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